PT. MU Research and Consulting Indonesia (MURCI)

Management System,HR System

Category Theme Project Industry Type of Customer
Management System Strengthening Governance System Organizational and governance system improvement support Manufacturing (Medicine)
Advisory on the governance system development for new company Manufacturing (Battery)
Earnings recovery measures and the governance system development support Real Estate Development
Organization Rebuilding Support on an organization planning for a newly localized electricity planning company Construction
Verification of optimal organizational structure for several group companies Manufacturing (Automobile)
Total regulation system development Core rules and regulation making in establishing a company Construction, Manufacturing
Development of a rules and regulations management system and revision of total internal rules and regulations Manufacturing(Medicine)
Governance system Risk management system re-development in line with the listed head quarter company Manufacturing
Compliance system and regulation development, compliance training Manufacturing, Financial
Company regulation Preparation and registration support of company regulation Manufacturing, Service, Financial, Construction, etc.
Next generation system Development of a regulation and system for new pension investment system as an employee benefit Manufacturing
HR System Building and redevelopment of HR system Comprehensive HR system re-designing in order to increasing employee motivation and productivity Construction, Financial, Manufacturing, etc.
Global HR system development support Financial
Remuneration system development and revision in order to hiring and retaining necessary employees in the industry Manufacturing, Service, Financial, Construction, etc.
Building or redevelopment of an evaluation system that can reflect employees’ effort, contribution and capability Manufacturing, Service, Financial, Construction, etc.
Career path system development. Manager and appraiser training to increase ownership and management responsibility Manufacturing, Service, Financial, Construction, etc.
Employee satisfaction survey to find out issues and motivation sources Service, Financial
Advisory Advisory service on various HR related questions and concerns Service, Trading, Manufacturing, etc.
Employee transfer / layoff support Employee transfer support on the establishment of new group company Financial
Making of an employee layoff plan and the implementation support due to a factory closure Manufacturing