PT. MU Research and Consulting Indonesia (MURCI)


Category Theme Project Industry Type of Customer
Research Renewable energy / energy efficiency Market survey to enter ESCO business Electricity
A collaboration partner investigation to enter biomass energy business Construction
NGO players’ trend and the collaboration possibility survey in the palm oil industry Trading
Smart city Possibility of TOD in Jakarta and the neighbour area Real Estate Development
Marketability and feasibility survey on a facial recognition system Manufacturing (Telecommunication)
Feasibility survey on an application of traffic system Manufacturing (Telecommunication)
Market trend survey on a recycling business Trading
DX Feasibility survey on DX in an insurance market IT
Market trend survey in digital marketing Information and Communication
Market entry feasibility survey on EdTech Trading
Industry / Market Survey Medical industry and market survey in ASEAN Manufacturing (Medical)
Market survey and partner candidates finding in developing a market for medical equipment Manufacturing (Medical)
Impact survey of Chinese companies in a heavy equipment market Construction
Apparel market survey Trading
Corporate investigation Corporate investigation package Trading, Manufacturing, Construction and so on